Expo Shop 2023

Expoziţie pentru industria de retail 4 - 7 octombrie 2023 | Romexpo www.expo-shop.ro 13 IT GENETICS STAND 14 IT Genetics este furnizorul de tehnologie ce sustine companiile din Romania, Ungaria, Bulgaria si Spania in optimizarea proceselor de lucru prin integrarea tehnologica si digitalizarea operatiunilor folosind solutii IT profesionale. Cu o experienta de peste 16 ani in domeniu, ne-am specializat in furnizarea de solutii integrate pentru diverse industrii precum retail, HoReCa, transport, logistica, productie, farmaceutica, sanatate, educatie, sector bancar si altele. Solutiile dezvoltate de IT Genetics sunt concepute pentru a eficientiza si automatiza procesele de lucru, fiecare solutie fiind adaptata in functie de specificul si potentialul de implementare al fiecarui client. In cadrul ExpoShop, IT Genetics aduce inovatia in prim-plan prin prezentarea unui pachet de solutii si tehnologii inovatoare, special concepute pentru industria de retail. Portofoliul nostru cuprinde solutii complete de afisaj electronic al preturilor (ESL-uri), solutii self check-out, puncte de vanzare, solutii de etichetare si cititoare de coduri de bare. ELO, BROTHER, CITIZEN, METTER Adresa: Strada Mehadia nr. 41, sector 6, cod postal 060541Bucuresti, Romania Tel: +4 031.780.03.18 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.it-genetics.ro Romana Brand-uri reprezentate English IT Genetics is the technology provider that supports companies in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Spain to optimize their work processes through technology integration and to digitize their operations using professional IT solutions. With over 16 years of expertise, we specialize in integrating solutions for industries such as retail, HoReCa, transportation, logistics, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, education, banking, and other sectors. The IT Genetics solutions are designed to streamline and automate work processes, with each solution tailored to the specific nature and adoption potential of each client. At ExpoShop, IT Genetics brings innovation to the forefront by presenting a package of innovative solutions and technologies specifically designed for the retail industry. Our portfolio includes comprehensive solutions for electronic shelf labeling (ESL), self-checkout solutions, point-of-sale solutions, labeling solutions, as well as barcode readers. Contact