Expo Shop 2023
Expoziţie pentru industria de retail 4 - 7 octombrie 2023 | Romexpo www.expo-shop.ro 14 MAGISTER SOFTWARE STAND 12A In cei 21 de ani de activitate, compania Magister s-a afirmat drept cel mai dinamic dezvoltator sși integrator de soluții informatice pentru retail din Romania, specializandu-se in managementul eficient al al retelelor de magazine. Magister este singurul dezvoltator si producator autohton de echipamente de tip self checkout, furnizand solutii inalt automatizate pentru retailul modern. Gama de sisteme self checkout produse de companie se comercializeaza sub denumirea Magister Easy Checkout (ECO). SMARTCASH RMS si SELF CHECK-OUT MAGISTER ECO Adresa: STR. RADU DE LA AFUMATI NR 62 SECTOR 2 BUCURESTI Tel: +40.31.821.01.50 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: www.magister.ro Romana Brand-uri reprezentate English During its 21 years in business, Magister Company has established itself as the most dynamic developer and integrator of IT solutions for retail in Romania, specializing in the efficient management of store networks. Magister is the only domestic developer and manufacturer of self-checkout equipment, providing highly automated solutions for modern retail. The range of self-checkout systems produced by the company is marketed under the name Magister Easy Checkout (ECO). Contact
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