Expo Shop 2023
Expoziţie pentru industria de retail 4 - 7 octombrie 2023 | Romexpo www.expo-shop.ro 23 SCALE EXPERT STAND 12 SCALE EXPERT si-a inceput activitatea in anul 2012, preluand divizia de import si distributie a companiei BPC COM INTERNATIONAL srl, firma cu experienta de peste 20 de ani in domeniul echipamentelor profesionale pentru magazine, Retail, HoReCa si Industria alimentara. Datorita experientei sale vaste in domeniu, seriozitatii si efortului depus, SCALE EXPERT a fost ales importator exclusiv in Romania al DIBAL Spania si POSBANK Korea, unii dintre cei mai importanti producatori de echipamente de cantarire, etichetare, sisteme POS si terminale kiosk la nivel mondial, reprezentand in aceasta calitate cu succes brandurile din portofoliu. Cresterea cerintelor clientilor a determinat extinderea portofoliului de produse si solutii oferite astfel incat, SCALE EXPERT a devenit un furnizor de renume de echipamente profesionale in domeniu. Produsele comercializate sunt importate direct din Spania, Italia, Germania, Korea, Bulgaria, asigurând antreprenorilor in cautare de echipamente si solutii performante, o calitate ridicata, la preţuri competitive de importator. DIBAL,CELY, POSBANK, CASHMATIC, PRINTEX, HELMAC Adresa: INTRAREA SUTASULUI NR.7,SEC.1, BUCURESTI Tel: 0314252014 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: WWW.CANTARE-PLATFORME.RO Romana Brand-uri reprezentate English SCALE EXPERT started its activity in 2012, taking over the import and distribution division of the company BPC COM INTERNATIONAL srl, a company with over 20 years of experience in the field of professional equipment for shops, Retail, HoReCa and the food industry. Due to its vast experience in the field, seriousness and effort, SCALE EXPERT was chosen as the exclusive importer in Romania of DIBAL Spain and POSBANK Korea, some of the most important manufacturers of weighing equipment, labeling, POS systems and kiosk terminals worldwide, successfully representing the brands in the portfolio in this capacity. The increase in customer requirements determined the expansion of the portfolio of products and solutions offered so that SCALE EXPERT became a renowned supplier of professional equipment in the field. Contact
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