Expo Shop 2023

Expoziţie pentru industria de retail 4 - 7 octombrie 2023 | Romexpo www.expo-shop.ro 6 24 EVONESS STAND 17 Compania SC 24 EVONESS SRL a fost infiintata in 2009 la Cluj-Napoca. Ne-am dezvoltat constant sub numele de brand Tehnica Vizuala, fiind cotati ca unul dintre cei mai importanti importatori, distribuitori si furnizori specializati pe urmatoarele categorii de produse si solutii premium: digital signage, videoproiectie, audio, proiectie, conectica, interactivitate, si multe altele. Oferim solutii profesionale adaptate diferitelor medii : Home, Educational, Business sau Institutii Publice. Prin colaborarea cu compania noastra, clientii beneficiaza de : • Consultanta specializata • Oferim solutii la cheie > conform cerintelor proiectului • Portofoliu extins de solutii • Livram produsele din stoc propriu • Varietatea gamelor de produse • Punem accentul pe siguranta si eficienta in livrarea produselor Avand in protofoliul mai multe braduri de renume cum ar fi Epson, NEC, Vogels, SMART, LG, Swedx, EliteScreens, Multibrackets, Marmitek si multe altele, ne ofera un motiv de mandrie si o reusita minunata care deschide noi perspective si oferind o larga gama de produse de calitate. Ne ajutam clientii si partenerii sa-si alegeaga solutiile potrivite, ramanem in permanenta la dispozitia lor cu solutii profesionale prin care sustinem concretizarea proiectelor si a oportunitatilor in care sunt implicati toti colaboratorii nostri. LG - Business Solutions, Multibrackets, Matrox, Vogels, Yashi, Cletech, DSPPA Adresa: BEGA Nr.6 CP.400469, Cluj-Napoca Tel: 0723- 53 92 99 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.tehnicavizuala.ro Romana Brand-uri reprezentate English Our company SC 24 EVONESS SRL was founded in 2009 in Cluj-Napoca. We have constantly developed under the brand name Tehnica Vizuala, being listed as one of the most important importers, distributors and suppliers specialized in the following categories of premium products and solutions: digital signage, video projection, audio, projection, connectivity, interactivity, and many more others. We offer professional solutions adapted to different environments: Home, Educational, Business or Public Institutions. • By collaborating with our company, the benefits and advantages of our clients are the following: • Specialized consultancy • We offer turnkey solutions > according to project requirements • Extensive portfolio of solutions • We deliver the products from our own stock • The variety of product ranges • We emphasize safety and efficiency in product delivery We have in our portfolio several renowned brands such as Epson, NEC, Vogel’s, SMART, LG, Swedx, EliteScreens, Multibrackets, Marmitek and many others, they give us a reason to be proud and a wonderful success that opens new perspectives and offers a wide range of quality products. We help our clients and partners to choose the right solutions, we remain permanently at their disposal with professional solutions through which we support the implementation of projects and opportunities in which all our collaborators are involved. Contact